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Management Profile

Mr. Major (R) Muhammad Rizwan
Chief Executive Officer (Tamgha-e-Imtiaz Military)

Major (R) Muhammad Rizwan
is the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of Dollar East Exchange. Major (R) Rizwan He is an accomplished leader and a management professional. He possesses over 25 years of senior management experience with armed forces and private sector organization. In recognition of his meritorious performance, he was awarded with Tamgha-e-Imtiaz (Military). Major Rizwan is an inspiring and motivational manager with unmatched interpersonal skills and the ability and passion to develop the vision of any organization he manages. With the help of his vast management experience he ensures that clear objectives and expectations are delivered and maintained.

Major (R) Muhammad Rizwan is a highly educated person and possess qualifications in diverse streams of knowledge. He hold a Master’s in Business Administration (MBA) with emphasis on General Management. He has also received Master Degrees in Criminology, Political Science and International Relations.

As the CEO of Dollar East, he leads the executive team and leverages to lead the vision, strategy and execution. He regularly works with the board of directors and executive team to accomplish organizational objectives. He is actively involved in relationship building, innovation and business process reengineering. He also oversees the areas of International Remittances, Money Transfers, Operations, Compliance, Customer Care, Marketing and Business Development to lead the vision of Company’s Business, strategy and execution.

Mr. Muhammad Iqbal
Executive Director Operations

Mr. Muhammad Iqbal has about 12 years of experience related to financial Iqbalplanning, and respective controls in the industry. He has the expertise in restructuring, reorganizing and setting up finance functions, policies, procedures, and internal controls for new and matured organizations. He is a CA qualified profession from Institute of Chartered Accountants of Pakistan.

He possesses goal achieving capabilities and firm determination to exhibit the quality skills for accomplishing optimum efficiency and effectiveness in all assignments. He has led key initiatives that achieved cost efficiencies and reduced operating budgets, extensive experience of Financial Management, Corporate Finance, Accounting and Audit.


Madam Robina Mahmood Baig
Executive Director Accounts

Madam Robina Mahmood Baig has a vast experience, spreading over 20 Robinayears, in the field of Accounts and Finance.  She has earned an MBA degree in Finance from University of the Punjab in 1988.

Presently, she is working with Dollar East Exchange Company as Executive Director Accounts. She has also served as a Head of Treasury Department at GIFT University. She, being a philanthropist, has been voluntarily working for Roshni Homes Trust - a charity organization for the welfare of orphans and children without parental care.


Mr. Nadeem Mustafa
Director Business Development & Marketing

Mr. Nadeem Mustafa is a graduate from Cardiff BusinessNadeem School, University of Wales UK, where he obtained a Master’s in Business Administration with concentration in Marketing.

He is an accomplished Marketing and Management professional with over 29 years of experience in leading and managing the organizations; developing and implementing strategic marketing plans; creating, strengthening & revitalizing bands; planning and executing marketing communication campaigns; and growing & managing sales.


Mr. Ahmed Barjees Faisel
Deputy Director HR & Establishment

Mr. Ahmed Barjees Faisel is a seasoned management professional with 25 years ofAhmed diversified experience in the field of Human Resource, Strategic Marketing and Business Management. He is a highly skilled and results-driven versatile executive. During his career, he has held different senior management roles across Pakistan, Middle East and Africa.

He is a proactive leader with People Management and Human Resource Development skills. He has a proven talent of team leadership, change management, employee performance, training and development.

He holds a Master Degree in Business Administration from University of Management and Technology (UMT), Lahore.


Mr. Salman Shahid
Executive Director Internal Audit

SalmanMr. Salman Shahid acquired degree of B.S.C in Computer Sciences (Hons) from U.E.T, Lahore. He started his career with N.B.P as an I.T Officer in 2004. Showing knack for business development, pursued an M.B.A degree from University of Bath.

Returning back to Pakistan in late 2009, he joined Islamic Banking Division of N.B.P in the role of Business Development Manager as A.V.P. In 2010, he joined Dollar East Exchange Company as Business Analyst and later switched to the Internal Audit Department as Head of Internal Audit in 2012; where he continues till date.

Mr. Muhammad Abid
Manager Compliance

Mr. Muhammad Abid obtained degree of MBA besides being a Member ofAbid Pakistan Institution of Public & Finance Accountant (PIPFA). He started his career as an Income Tax Consultant at M/s Dawood Ilyas & Co. Later having been fulfilled the given responsibilities with full passion and vision leaded to get himself promoted as a Manager Compliance.

He has attended the training sessions on ‘Capacity Building Program on Regulatory, Supervisory and AML Framework’ for Exchange Companies from the State Bank of Pakistan. He also attended the Operational Training in Branchless Banking Services by Waseela Microfinance Bank and Pakistan Mobile Communications Ltd.  He has received the Certificate of ‘Excellent Officer in Pakistan’ from MoneyGram International on Sales and System Training at Dubai Terminal III office.